IG Metall (Industriegewerkschaft Metall, "Industrial Union of Metalworkers") is the dominant metalworkers' union in Germany, making it the country's largest union as well as Europe's largest industrial union. More than two million workers from industry, service and the trades have joined forces within IG Metall. The association comprises the metal, electrical, iron and steel, textile, clothing, woodwork and plastics industries. In addition, IG Metall also represents workers in the fields of information and communication technology.
IG Metall has political clout and exerts influence on social and economic developments. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. We know that the future of our country will depend on how we meet new challenges. We drive forward democratic processes, and demand the right to co-determination and a more just distribution of wealth. In other words: We are doing our part in solving today‘s social issues.
IG Metall has 150 regional administration offices across Germany, hence we are always close to our members. Our greatest strength: IG Metall members have access to more than 130,000 contact persons at their workplace: all those members of the works councils, shop stewards and elected representatives of junior workers and apprentices organized in the IGM.
IG Metall fight for and secured higher incomes, shorter working hours and longer vacation periods. Even in difficult economic times it is important to maintain workers‘ purchasing power, provide them with support and take a strong stand for our country and its people. We take a strong stand in the fight against unemployment and never give up on any business operation. Often, IG Metall and its works councils are able to secure workplaces or save entire businesses with intelligent concepts and competent advice.