Kick-off meeting European project group - Potsdam (Germany) - 09. till 11.3.2016

Review, balance sheet and conclusions from the project; Discussion and evaluation of the central project outcomes and follow-up opportunities for companies; Discussion and adoption of trade union positions and recommendations aimed at security for skilled employees and pro-active age management; Organisation of a dialogue forum with management and organisation representatives as part of the final conference; Preparation of trade union initiatives for social dialogue; Opportunities for further trade union networking at European/national sector and company level


Information and materials
Organisation & Implementation | Speech by Juergen Kerner | Project-Info |

Sector Profile

European project meeting - Rzeszów (Poland) - 11. till 13.7.2017

Review, balance sheet and conclusions from the project; Discussion and evaluation of the central project outcomes and follow-up opportunities for companies; Discussion and adoption of trade union positions and recommendations aimed at security for skilled employees and pro-active age management; Documentation "Demographics", personnel work and workforce-development (Guideline for employees’s representatives);  Opportunities for further trade union networking at European/national sector and company level.


Progress of project implementation
Digital work

More information and materials