France - Cfdt

European Partner

Fédération Générale des Mines et de la Métallurgie

FGMM CFDT is one of the largest trade union organizations in France that represents blue and white-collar workers. The professional field of FGMM CFDT includes 7 professional branches. The main one, metal industry, is divided into 13 business sectors (such as Aerospace - Automobile - Defense - Energy - ITC - Mechanical engineering - Shipbuilding - Basic Metals,…)

FGMM CFDT is a member of the Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail (CFDT).

At european and international levels, FGMM CFDT is affiliated to IndustriAll Europe and to IndustriAll Global Union.

For more information 


49 avenue Simon Bolivar
75950 Paris cedex 19