Workshop A (Analysis & Development) - Madrid (Spain) - 21. till 23.Sep. 2016

Announcement and assessment of the programme-based EU initiatives and priorities for social dialogue; Addressing trade union strategies at economic, social and industrial level; Evaluation of the European survey; Examples from companies;  Exchange and consultation on innovation topics, fields of action and company-based approaches; National working groups on the "age appropriate/appropriating work" and "securing skilled workforce"; Preparation of “strategic projects” at company level and framework plans for implementation

Project progress (overview)
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Workshop B (Strategie, Innovation & Representation of interests) - Toulouse (France) - 08. till 10. February 2017

Action areas arising from the European survey and national site/structure analyses; Discussion of strengths, weaknesses and future requirements for sustainable HR and skilled labour requirements in the aerospace sector; Use of selected tools for HR development and industrial age management; Agree upon country-specific focus areas for strategy planning; Planning and preparation of national pilot measures (“Strategic project”); Assessment of mechanisms for cooperation in the context of social dialogue (national & European)

Projekt Progress
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